Online resources for downloading free games
Video Games are one of most used time pass techniques. And now they're used not only for time pass, but also for teaching new and helpful things to children. But now they are not limited to kids only. Youngsters and even old folks are getting addicted to them. A massive list of genres has been rolled out in the market including action, adventure, arcade for example. A considerable number of devices are utilised by folk for this addiction which include PCs, mobile phones, pills, Play stations and Xboxes, whatever the owner possess.
Now the million buck question is, 'from where may I download games for all your devices? ' And not many answers are available, yet. So in this article, I have attempted to respond to this query. Given below is an inventory of sites which permit you to download games for PC, PSP, Xbox 360, Mac, iPhone, iPod, iPad. Please take a look at them: Acid-Play: The 1st site on my list enables you to download games for your PCs and Macs.
It has grown as one of the most reliable sites for this purpose. At this time there are roughly 860+ files on this site. All files shown here are reviewed by users and given a rating that displays the quality. Some most well liked options available here include Super Mario 3, Little Fighter 2, Street Fighter 2 etc. And this site also doesn't ask you to register.
Xbox Live: Xbox Live online service allows you to download both, paid as well as free games for your Xbox 360. Just enter the service if you haven't yet done, and you'll unlock a whole new arena of chances for your console. Gives a chance to download most amazing PSP games absolutely free. All the options available on this site are truly wonderful and crowd pleasing. You won't feel that you have downloaded something for free after playing them for one time only.
App Store: For all Apple devices (iPad, iPod and iPhone), you can point your browser to the Store. App store features a really extensive variety of free and paid games for your device. Just get there, and watch it yourself.
Some other internet sites like and Planet Freeplay also have a continuously updating and rich collection of games for our devices. You can try them too!
Now the million buck question is, 'from where may I download games for all your devices? ' And not many answers are available, yet. So in this article, I have attempted to respond to this query. Given below is an inventory of sites which permit you to download games for PC, PSP, Xbox 360, Mac, iPhone, iPod, iPad. Please take a look at them: Acid-Play: The 1st site on my list enables you to download games for your PCs and Macs.
It has grown as one of the most reliable sites for this purpose. At this time there are roughly 860+ files on this site. All files shown here are reviewed by users and given a rating that displays the quality. Some most well liked options available here include Super Mario 3, Little Fighter 2, Street Fighter 2 etc. And this site also doesn't ask you to register.
Xbox Live: Xbox Live online service allows you to download both, paid as well as free games for your Xbox 360. Just enter the service if you haven't yet done, and you'll unlock a whole new arena of chances for your console. Gives a chance to download most amazing PSP games absolutely free. All the options available on this site are truly wonderful and crowd pleasing. You won't feel that you have downloaded something for free after playing them for one time only.
App Store: For all Apple devices (iPad, iPod and iPhone), you can point your browser to the Store. App store features a really extensive variety of free and paid games for your device. Just get there, and watch it yourself.
Some other internet sites like and Planet Freeplay also have a continuously updating and rich collection of games for our devices. You can try them too!
About the Author:
John Carter is a game addict and loves a lot to download action games. You may download new games by going to the sites given above in this post. In fact , they have been used very well by John.